The visual and sound design is quite impressive

The sequel adds six new classes to shake things up, three for plants and three for zombies and the game seems to be well balanced; encouraging players to try out both sides without having to switch back in game. The easy learning curves, tons of characters, customisations and lithium battery leaf blowers online game modes make for an extremely enjoyable experience with a whole lot more content than the original making it a brilliant sequel. Garden Warfare 2 is an extremely enjoyable game that anyone can pick up and play. Even though the game definitely went below the radar for most gamers the first time around, its immense popularity, post launch support with free content and updates helped create quite a large online community that is extremely happy with how Garden Warfare 2 has turned out. The best news, however, is the fact that ‘unlocks’ from the previous game carry over to the new one! The game now has a sort of free roam hub from where you can access your menus, various game modes or just invite friends in to turn it into a social hub of carnage.EA and Popcaps 2014 sleeper hit Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare just got a sequel and it’s surprisingly good considering its an EA sequel.Garden Warfare 2 might not be a bestseller but it is quite an interesting game. The visual and sound design is quite impressive but it stays true to the quirky nature of the Plants vs Zombies universe. The inclusion of Multiple split screen coop modes is a big seller. The first game was a bit of a cash grab, throwing in the PvZ world with their Battlefield formula and hoping for the best but it turned out quite well. Players can jump into competitive matches or check out some coop modes with friends against bots, all of which gives you XP that helps unlock character levels. Gnome Bomb requires teams to take out three specific landmarks and Vanquish Confirmed is the games version of Kill Confirmed from Call of Duty. Garden Warfare 2 comes with new and old game modes with Team Vanquish serving as regular Deathmatch while Turf Takeover is like Battlefield’s Rush. The game comes with a bunch of new environments that are extremely well designed and help Garden Warfare 2 feel like a more complete experience; even though the first game was a lot of fun it never stopped feeling like a spin off. The best new is that ‘Unlocks’ from the previous game carry over to the new one Garden Warfare 2 might not be a bestseller but it is quite an interesting game. While its not a game seller, the backyard battleground hub has interesting things. The popular Garden Ops mode also makes a return but this time there is something for Plants and Zombies with the addition of Graveyard ops.The game runs surprisingly well even with 24 player matches, something that most AAA titles have issues with.