The government has stepped in after the issue on levy on digital

"Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) charges will be levied as per RBI guidelines but who will take the hit? Banks, oil marketing companies are discussing," Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan told reporters after meeting Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on the issue.".Pradhan said people can use cards for fuel purchases even after January 13."We had assured yesterday also that since retail outlets, petrol pump owners work as commission agents, we will not pass on the cost to them," he said. All stakeholders are discussing who will bear these, he said.Pradhan said the government stands by its decision that customers using non-cash digital modes of payments will not have to pay any transaction charge. He also said that the petrol pump transaction fee is a business model between the banks and oil marketing companies which they will resolve. I want to assure the people of the country who want to do digital transactions in petrol pumps, they will continue to do so.Pradhan said the government had in February last year issued a circular saying customers will not have to bear the MDR charges on digital transactions so as to help the country move towards digital transaction and less cash economy. An amicable solution will be worked out," he said. The crisis was averted after banks agreed not to insist on transaction charges for five more days, leading to pumps owners deferring their plans till January 13.75 per cent discount on fuel rate for using digital payments will continue.”"Pradhan said that there will be no additional levy on digital transaction at petrol stations even after January 13, 2017."Banks and oil marketing companies (OMCs) are discussing the issue. After negotiations, it will be decided to what extent the MDR charges can be brought down that we are discussing," he said.

Also, the 0."With OMCs already facing Rs 5,000 crore hit from having to bear 0.The government, he said, had issued guidelines in February 2016 stating that the Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) charge will not be passed on to the consumers and the stakeholders will take appropriate steps to absorb the MDR charges.Banks and oil companies are in discussions as to who should bear these charges, it said a day after averting a crisis that would have hit millions Gasoline Hedge Trimmer for sale of people as oil pump owners threatened to stop taking card payments.""It will be resolved before January 13."When a card payment is made using a POS machine, service charges are levied.Asked if petrol pumps will continue to accept card payments after January 13, he said, "They will accept cards. Bargaining and negotiations are going on. "0.The statement added: "The government has stepped in after the issue on levy on digital transaction at petrol stations was raised by association of petrol pump dealers. In the coming days a mechanism will be worked out under which customers or petrol pump owners will not bear the cost," he said."Card payments involve 2/3 players -- payment gateways, POS machine provider and banks/merchandise outlet.75 per cent discount on fuel sold using digital modes, Pradhan said the numbers are "fictional".

New Delhi: Credit and debit cards will continue to be accepted at petrol pumps even after January 13 without customers having to pay transaction charges, the government said on Monday. "All these have their own share in the MDR charges. "Government will not bear the cost."Government will ensure implementation of that decision," he said. They will decide who will take how much cost," he said.Later, an official statement quoted Pradhan as saying that "neither the customers nor petrol pump dealers will bear additional charges on digital transactions at petrol stations".Pradhan said the Reserve Bank of India has come out with a circular on the amount of MDR to be charged for transactions below Rs 1,000, those between Rs 1,000 and Rs 2,000 and those above Rs 2,000.Petrol pump operators had yesterday threatened to stop accepting card payments after banks said the transaction charges of up to 1 per cent will have to be borne by them."It (Levying MDR charges on card transactions) is a business model between banks and OMCs. "In the coming days whatever digital transactions happens especially in petrol pumps, the burden will not be passed on to customers.75 per cent cash back incentive that we have given to customers will also continue.

The Dark Web is a part of the existing internet

However, beyond this it’s actually difficult to fully decipher what goes in the Dark Web. The system is peer-to-peer and transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary. A website can still find out information about the person accessing it using the shared information such as the usernames or email IDs. Those wanting to stay completely anonymous have to use special ‘anonymity services’ to hide their identity in these cases — and that’s where the hackers have an upper hand.It is very clear that we still have a long way to go until the government, law enforcement or the courts settle on what are appropriate uses of surveillance both on and offline, and making it difficult to work out who is behind the sites. Usually whistleblowers use the Dark Web to communicate with journos to supply highly sensitive information. A classic example of a huge forest where no one knows what is hiding in which corner. Activities are going on, but you have to find it yourself.The Dark Web is a part of the existing internet that we use. This is where Bitcoin comes into play. Users also cannot find these websites using regular search engines. It requires special software to access, which only hackers usually have.. In short, it is a tunnelling software which helps keep an identity a secret or anonymous you on the web.

Although the Dark Web users makes law enforcement agencies’ jobs much more difficult, they play a key role in bringing down sites and arresting illegal users and the people behind them.The Dark Web is a part of the existing internet that requires special software to access. The most famous case was the arrest of Ross Ulbricht, the person behind the most well known of the drug markets, Silk Road. It refers to a collection of particular websites that are publicly available but do not reveal the IP addresses of their servers they run on, making it extremely China Gasoline Power Sprayer difficult to know who the brains behind these websites are. These transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a public distributed ledger called the blockchain.Services on the Dark Web wouldn’t have been possible if there wasn’t a way to pay for them.Because of the Dark Web’s anonymity, it’s been the playground for groups wanting to stay hidden online from governments and law enforcement agencies.It will be a mistake if you think that Tor is totally anonymous. Bitcoin is a crypto currency or a digital payment system developed by a group of programmers.

But more frequently, the Dark Web has been used by paedophile groups, terrorists and criminals to keep their dealings secret. And if you are a regular, you would know where you need to go.Tor provides secrecy and anonymity by passing messages through a network of connected Tor relays, which are specially configured computers.We often hear about the term ‘Dark Web’ being linked to terrorist plots, drugs and ammunition deals or child pornography. Once inside, web sites and other services can be accessed through a browser in much the same way as a usual internet website. As the message hops from one node to another, it is encrypted in a way that each relay only knows about the machine that sent the message and the machine it is being sent to — that’s all, no more information is known about the origin.These websites hide their identities using ‘Tor’, an encryption tool known for its end-user-hiding properties. Tor can be used spoof location as well, while running the website with the same effect. Users also cannot find these websites using casual search engines.

The ancient tubers had turned dark brown to black

Wapato plants can grow far underground, but an artificial rock "pavement" would have controlled how deep the roots could penetrate, the &China Fruit Harvest Machine39;Live Science' reported.This would have allowed the harvesters to more easily find the tubers and pull them out, Hoffmann said.The chestnut-sized roots had long been important to indigenous people and they are mentioned in some of the first ethnographic accounts of the Pacific Northwest.The garden had been covered in tightly packed, uniformly sized rocks, leading the researchers to conclude that this was a man-made deposit.The ancient tubers had turned dark brown to black in colour and some still had their starchy insides preserved.Researchers also found about 150 wooden tools that would have been used to dig out the plants..The chestnut-sized roots had long been important to indigenous people.The study was published in the journal Science Advances. # The ancient tubers had turned dark brown to black in colour and some still had their starchy insides preserved Toronto: A 3,800-year-old underwater garden with hundreds of blackened potatoes has been discovered in Canada, providing first evidence that ancient North American hunter-gatherers used sophisticated techniques to efficiently grow the crop. The site had been waterlogged for centuries, resulting in good preservation of plants and wooden tools that would have normally disintegrated over time.Radiocarbon dates from the burnt wood found at the site suggest it dates back to 3,800 years ago and was abandoned 3,200 years ago.Researchers counted 3,767 whole and fragmented wapato plants , also known as Indian potatoes.Archaeologists led by Tanja Hoffmann of Simon Fraser University in Canada uncovered the garden during a roadwork.